Portugal's Greenvolt lines up for Romania's CfD green energy scheme

Greenvolt Group, an international renewable energy company based in Portugal, will participate in the CfD auction organized by Romania this year with a 250 MW wind project, company officials quoted by Economica.net said.
"We now have a 250 MW wind project and a smaller 40 MW photovoltaic project under development in Romania. For the solar project, the construction of which will start this year, we have already signed a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) with a Romanian company. With the 250 MW wind project, we will participate in the tender for the CfD scheme," said Joao Manso Neto, CEO of Greenvolt Group, present in Bucharest at the launch on the local market of GreenVolt Next – the business line within the group specialized in distributed generation.
The 250 MW park will be built in Ialomița, and the project has already received the technical approval for connection (ATR).
Neto said that he "is satisfied" with the regulatory framework for the CfD mechanism established by the authorities in Bucharest, which is "reasonable," also referring to the maximum exercise prices (EUR 93, respectively EUR 91 per MWh for wind and photovoltaic).
"We will bid below these prices," said Neto without giving further details.
(Photo source: Lovelyday12/Dreamstime.com)