Romanian farming group takes over 800ha farm from Danish investor

Grup Șerban Holding (BVB: GSH), a Romanian entrepreneurial company active in several areas of agriculture, announced that it acquired Fyn Invest Danmark – a farm in Vaslui county which operates approximately 800 hectares of land, both owned and leased.
As a result of this transaction, part of its expansion strategy, Grup Serban Holding will operate about 13,300 hectares of farmland, focusing on large crops produced in a regenerative agriculture system.
The value of the transaction amounts to EUR 1.5 million.
The new farm includes comprehensive and suitable storage and logistics spaces in addition to the farmland. The farmland is cultivated with wheat from the fall season of 2022 on about 370 hectares, and spring crops, such as sunflower and sorghum, are cultivated in the rest of the area.
With this acquisition, the company's specialists estimate a total increase in production for Grup Șerban Holding by approximately 10%, considering both the extensive component and the intensive factors generated by the quality of the operated land and the synergies achieved.
(Photo source: Denys Kovtun/