A new market: Half a million Romanians to work from home for at least two months

About 500,000 Romanian employees working in sectors such as IT, telecommunications, business service outsourcing, consulting or financial services will work mainly from home for a period of at least two months, according to an analysis published by software solutions provider Creasoft on Monday, March 23.
This is a market Creasoft is targeting. Creasoft, which produces electronic time-sheet and access control, among others, says that the demand for remote electronic time-sheet solutions has visibly increased over the last two weeks.
So far, such solutions have been used more widely for checking employees who work in the field, the company says.
“We have old clients who check, for example, the activity of the sales agents whenever they enter or leave a client or a business partner, or periodically, every 30 minutes. Under the new context, the checks have been extended to the employees who work from home,” explained Creasoft founder Adrian Dinu.
According to the company’s estimates, at least two months from now, about 500,000 employees in Romania from the "white collar" sectors will work mainly from home. They work in fields such as IT, telecommunications, outsourcing, consulting or even financial services.
Creasoft, part of the Creative General Invest group, is an electronic access control and timekeeping product available on the Romanian market since 2017.
Currently, the timekeeping solution developed by the company allows timekeeping on the mobile phone and, optionally, checking the location of the activity, with the explicit consent of the user each time.
(Photo: Pixabay)