Happiest moments accompanied by fear for 2 out of 3 Romanians, new study shows

The happiest moments are accompanied by fear for two out of three Romanians, according to a recent study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research for Allianz-Tiriac Insurance.
Almost 8 out of 10 Romanians consider that the birth of a child is the main moment of fulfillment in their lives, but it is also an experience that, for 61% of them, is preceded by a high or very high level of fear.
Also fear-inducing are marriage (37%) and graduation from university or a master’s degree (33%), as well as a change of job (28%) and a new hobby or passion (27%).
The purchase of material goods, such as a new house (22%) or a car (17%), while generating joy, are mentioned by Romanians at the bottom of the ranking, confirming that non-material experiences bring a greater sense of fulfillment.
Roughly four out of 10 Romanians believe that fear is a sign that they need to prepare better for the future. Whether it is the arrival of a child or a real estate purchase, the fear felt with these experiences is seen as a positive one for 37% of Romanians, as it helps them to take steps to be better prepared and take greater care.
Another 63% consider that fear is also a strong motivating factor, especially in contexts such as getting married, changing jobs, or finding a new passion.
For 33% of Romanians, their own health and the well-being of their child or children are priorities. 27% put their partner at the top of their list of priorities, 7% their parents, and only 3% and 2%, respectively, their career and the cultivation of their passions.
Material possessions are not, according to the Allianz Țiriac study, among the priorities, with only 2% putting housing at the top and 1% other assets owned. However, housing and career are among the first things Romanians consider to be directly taken care of, being mentioned before partners, children, and parents.
At the same time, the study shows that care is mainly expressed through caution and support whenever needed, followed by products that provide comfort and security. However, only 36% of Romanians fully agree that life insurance is a way of caring, while 33% partially agree. About half can name at least one life insurance product - the most popular being life insurance with child benefits and savings or financial protection packages.
(Photo source: HAKINMHAN/Dreamstime.com)