Hidroelectrica objects to supplementary tax calculated by fiscal authority ANAF

State-controlled hydropower company Hidroelectrica, the largest electricity producer in Romania, intends to challenge in court the decisions by which the tax collection agency ANAF calculated supplementary windfall profit tax in the amount of RON 62 mln (EUR 12 mln), Profit.ro reported.
The company argues that the tax inspectorate has applied the law retroactively.
According to the law, published on December 16, 2022, the windfall tax rate was 80% of the difference between the average net monthly selling price and the benchmark of RON 450 (EUR 90) per MWh in the period November 1 2021 – August 31 2022, respectively 100% starting with September 1 last year.
Hidroelectrica calculated a total windfall tax of RON 671.7 mln.
(Photo source: Dreamstime.com)