Hidroelectrica starts trading as fourth-largest blue chip at Bucharest Exchange

Starting July 12, the day Hidroelectrica (BVB: H2O) shares will be listed at the Bucharest Stock Exchange, the largest energy producer in Romania will be included as part of the main index (BVB) with a weight of 14.4%. This makes it the largest company in the basket after Banca Transilvania (20%), Fondul Proprietatea (16.1%) and OMV Petrom (15.4%).
In the index of energy companies, BET-NG, H2O shares will have a weight of 30%, at par with those of OMV Petrom.
"The weights in the indices [...] were calculated based on the number of shares and closing prices recorded at the end of the trading session on July 7, 2023. In the case of Hidroelectrica (H2O), the calculation was made based on the final price in the IPO, namely RON 104 per share," the stock exchange operator notes in a report quoted by Ziarul Financiar.
Hidroelectrica and OMV Petrom will have the largest shares in the index of energy companies BET-NG, respectively 29.99%, followed by Romgaz (16.26%), Nuclearelectrica (9.27%), Transgaz (5.91%) and Electrica (4.08%).
(Photo source: Facebook/Hidroelectrica)