Hidroelectrica reportedly ponders 1.5GW PV park in southern Romania

Romania’s state-controlled hydropower group Hidroelectrica, which is expected to have its shares listed at Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) in the first part of this year, is reportedly considering a 1.5GW PV park in Dabuleni (southern part of Romania) under an arrangement that would involve the state assets company ADS through a 3,000ha plot of land provided for the project.
The project is expected to get financing under the Resilience Facility, which means it should be completed by the end of 2026.
The PV park would be the largest of this type in Romania and would involve EUR 1.2 bln of investments.
The project was not confirmed by the company’s management, according to Ziarul Financiar. But it was included among the ten major projects of Hidroelectrica declared by the state security council CSAT as strategically important – meaning that the permits would be granted under accelerated procedures.
At this moment, the largest solar park under development in Romania is a 1,000 MW (EUR 800 mln) project developed in Arad by Monsson and financed by the British investment fund Actis through the company Resolv Energy.
(Photo source: Stangot/Dreamstime.com)