Romania's Hidroelectrica seeks consultant for 1.5GWh PV project

Romania's hydropower group Hidroelectrica expects by October 12 bids from consultants ready to provide the support documents, including a feasibility study and selection procedures, for finding the contractor for a major 1.5GWh PV park to be developed on 2.200ha in the southern part of Romania, at Sadova.
This is the first step towards what it promises to be among the largest PV projects in Europe, estimated to involve investments of around EUR 1.2 billion.
The consultant will establish the exact size of the investment and whether EU funds could be used, reported. The consultancy contract will stretch over two years and is estimated at around RON 3 million (EUR 0.6 million).
The project itself is located in a place with a level of solar radiation of 1,400 kWh/m2/year, the maximum level for the country.
At the optimal level of operation, the photovoltaic park would produce approximately 1.75 TWh of electricity annually. It would also benefit from a 300 MW storage facility, and its connection would be made to the 400 kV Șânțareni-Kozlodui line.
(Photo source: Moruzx/