Hidroelectrica’s legal administrator wants to be Romania's Prime Minister

Romanian insolvency lawyer Remus Borza, the legal administrator of state-owned Hidroelectrica, Romania’s biggest power producer, says he would be ready to take the task of forming and leading a technocrat Government.
“I am ready to take on any position in the state administration. The question is: is the state ready for such a challenge,” Borza wrote on his Facebook page.
He continued: “I have demonstrated that I can generate performance where others said that nothing could be done. A deep change is needed in Romanian politics. Doctrines and ideologies matter less. What really matters are the people.”
Remus Borza made a name for himself after he took on as legal administrator of Hidroelectrica, in June 2012, when the company entered insolvency. He cancelled all the contracts the company had with electricity traders, which were generating big losses, and restructured it, turning it into a profitable company.
However, he was also surrounded by controversy, as he was convicted to one year parole for conflict of interests, as he hired his own law firm to represent Hidroelectrica in various litigations with its creditors. He was also fined by the National Council for Combating Discrimination after he fired some employees who were in maternity leave.