Statistics: Highways represent only 5% of Romania’s national roads
Romania had only 866 km of highways last year, representing only 4.8% of the total national roads, according to data published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), quoted by local Agerpres.
At the end of 2019, the public roads in Romania amounted to 86.391 km, out of which 17.873 km (20.7%) national roads, 35.083 km (40.6%) county roads, and 33.435 km (38.7%) communal roads.
In 2019, more than 38,100 km (44.2% of all public roads) were modernized roads, 21,365 km (24.7%) were light cover roads and 26,860 km (31.1%) were dirt roads (“cobbled roads” and “dirt roads” as defined by the statistics office).
Of the total national roads, 34.6% (6,176 km) were European roads and 4.8% (866 km) were highways. Based on the number of lanes, 10.8% (1,923 km) were 4-lane roads, 1.6% (290 km) were 3-lane roads and 0.2% (35 km) 6-lane roads.