Documentary about King Michael of Romania to air on History Channel

A new documentary about King Michael of Romania is scheduled to air on History Channel on October 24, marking 100 years since the monarch's birth.
Regele Mihai: Drumul către casă/ King Michael: The Road Home covers the story of the king's exile, and presents recently declassified documents from the Romanian Securitate and CIA archives, according to
The film showcases interviews with the king's family, advisors and close friends, as well as an interview with Prince Phillip, recorded in 2016, a few months before he withdrew from public life.
The documentary, narrated by Marcel Iureş, is a sequel to the 2016 Războiul regelui/ The King's War, which aired on History Channel and History 2. It was filmed and produced in Romania, UK and Switzerland.
The production team includes John M. Florescu – executive producer, Trevor Poots - producer/script, Viorel Chesaru – senior producer, Mircea Lăcătuş – producer archives/editor, Dan Drăghicescu – associate producer, professor Matei Cazacu – advisor and Laura Beldiman - researcher/editorial assistant.
(Photo: Cateyeperspective |