Bucharest court rules first sentence for Holocaust denial in Romania

A court in Bucharest sentenced former intelligence officer Vasile Zarnescu to 13 months in prison for Holocaust denial. The sentence is a premiere in Romania.
The sentence, which won't be enforced for two years depending on several surveillance terms, is not final and can be appealed, according to Agerpres. In case of non-compliance with the imposed measures and obligations and of committing new crimes during the supervision term, the court may decide to revoke the sentence's postponement.
The court's decision invokes several of Vasile Zarnescu's online articles and a book against the Holocaust.
The sentence was welcomed by Alexandru Muraru, the government's special representative for the Promotion of Memory Policies, Combating Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia. According to Hotnews.ro, he said: "The first conviction in Romania for Holocaust denial is a strong message from the justice system, a firm urge to comply with the law; it is a test that the judiciary is finally passing, after many such cases investigated by the prosecutor's offices completed without any result. It is, at the same time, an important alarm signal to state institutions, that the phenomenon of anti-Semitism is present and that it must be firmly combated, with all existing institutional instruments."
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