Himalaya expedition: Romania’s Horia Colibasanu begins quest to climb Kangchenjunga

Leading Romanian mountaineer Horia Colibasanu will leave for Nepal on Tuesday, April 5, to start a new expedition in the Himalayas. He will team up with Romanian Marius Gane and Slovak Peter Hámor in an attempt to climb Kangchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world (8,586 m) and among the most dangerous.
According to Colibasanu, Kangchenjunga is "the only mountain of over 8,000 meters untouched by Romanians."
"We will start with a trek of about ten days to reach the base camp, at an altitude of 5,200 meters. The approach route to the mountain's base passes through a wild and isolated area of the Himalayas, on the border between Nepal and India," Colibasanu announced on his Facebook page.
The expedition is scheduled to last two months, with a good weather window for the ascent being expected around May 20. The three will try to reach the top without supplemental oxygen or Sherpa support.
"Kangchenjunga is a very high mountain. It is only 25 meters shorter than K2, but it is just as difficult. There is a very long distance between the last camp and the peak," the Romanian climber explained.
Horia Colibasanu previously tried to climb Kangchenjunga in 2012 but stopped 200 meters before the summit.
Colibasanu has so far participated in 23 international expeditions, and continues to be the only Romanian to reach the summits of K2, Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, three of the five most dangerous mountains in the world, according to a press release. He received the Sports Merit medal from the Government of Navarra (2008); the Spirit of Mountaineering, Piolets d'Or (2009) distinction from the British Alpine Club; and the Star of Romania National Order.
Last year, Horia Colibasanu, Marius Gane and Peter Hámor attempted to open a new route to the top of Dhaulagiri (8,167 m).
(Photo source: Horiacolibasanuhimalaya.ro)