Romanian hotel owners ask Govt. to help seasonal workers at risk

The unemployment rate among the workers in the hotel and restaurant sector has already reached 60% and risks reaching 90% in the next period, taking into account the current conditions, according to the representatives of the Federation of Romanian Tourism Employers (FPTR), local reported.
Furthermore, some 50,000 seasonal workers on the Black Sea coast will have no income since they used to work for six months a year and receive unemployment benefits for the other six months of a year - provided they have contributed to the unemployment insurance fund for at least 12 of the previous 24 months, FPTR explained.
According to FPTR, many seasonal employees will remain this year without any income, salary or unemployment allowance, as seasonal tourism companies will no longer operate under normal conditions.
Given the circumstances, the Federation of Employers of Romanian Tourism has requested that the Government adopts an emergency decision for prolonging the unemployment benefits for the seasonal workers.
(Photo source: ID 142005649 © Chernetskaya/