Households covered more than 10% of Romania’s borrowing needs this year

Romanians purchased the equivalent of RON 16 bln (EUR 3.2 bln) worth of Government bonds during the first eleven months of the year under the two schemes (Fidelis and Tezaur) organised by the Treasury, reported. This is more than 10% of the Government’s financing needs this year.
The schemes continue in December when the coupons are between 7.65% and 8% for securities denominated in local currency and between 2.70% (1-year tenant) and 3.70% (2-year tenant) for those denominated in euros.
The gross financing requirement this year is approximately RON 148.6 bln, including the money needed to finance the 5.74%-of-GDP public deficit and the refinancing in the amount of approximately RON 68.4 bln, according to the Government’s most recent revised budget planning for this year.
(Photo source: Andrei Stancu/