Romanian households subscribe EUR 580 mln 5-year Govt. bonds at 5.8% yield

Small individual investors in Romania bought ‘Fidelis’ Government securities worth about RON 714 mln (EUR 140 mln) denominated in national currency and about EUR 473 mln denominated euros.
The yields ranged between 6.7% (one-year) and 7.35% (three-year) for the local currency and between 3.7% (one-year) and 5.8% (five-year) for the euros, Ziarul Financiar reported.
Recently, the vice-president of the CFA Association, Adrian Codirlasu, estimated that the privately managed pension funds would generate yields of about 5%-6% this year, remaining in the negative area (in real terms) for the third year in a row.
Last December, the Government issued to households bonds denominated in local currency, paying yields of over 9%.
(Photo source: Alekleks/