How many foreign workers will Romania accept next year?

Romania’s labor authority could accept up to 5,500 foreign workers in the country next year.
About 3,500 permanent workers and 800 highly skilled workers could be admitted in the country in 2016, according to a bill posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection for the Elderly (MMFPSPV). The draft project is now under public debate until January 28.
Another 200 workers on probation, 200 seasonal workers, 100 cross-border workers, and 700 posted workers could also work in Romania next year, according to Mediafax.
In 2015, the General Inspectorate for Immigration issued 5,500 work permits for foreign citizens coming from outside the EU.
One year earlier, Romania issued over 2,600 work permits for foreign workers outside of the EU. Most workers came from China (455), Turkey (407), Vietnam (307), and the Philippines (216).
In 2013, over 2 million Romanians worked outside the country, according to representatives of the Labor Ministry.
Foreign workers in Romania send EUR 173 mln to their home countries