Romania’s Ice Hotel, fully booked for New Year’s Eve

The Hotel of Ice built near the Bâlea Lake, in Fagaras Mountains, is fully booked for New Year’s Eve, reported.
Most of the tourists who stayed at the hotel for Christmas came from the US and the UK. They spent the holiday at an altitude of over 2,000 meters and had dinner on trays made of ice. The chairs and tables in the hotel’s restaurant are also made of ice.
“We have an Ice Dinner served on ice trays in our restaurant, Ferdinand I […] The tourists we have for Christmas at the Hotel of Ice are Brits and Americans, who are very open to these kind of ideas,” Andrei Todăraş, a representative of the hotel, told Mediafax.
The hotel was booked for New Year’s Eve since this summer for groups coming from the UK.
The hotel’s restaurant serves two menus: a vegetarian and a meat one. One menu costs RON 250 (almost EUR 54), while a double room costs EUR 100.
The hotel can be reached by cable car as the high-altitude road Transfăgărăşan is closed for traffic until summer.
The ice hotel is built for the 14th time this year.
Romania’s famous Ice Hotel already 70% booked, will be ready for Christmas