IMF worried about Romania's personal bankruptcy law

27 January 2015

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed its worry on the personal bankruptcy law which the Romanian Parliament also discussed.

IMF representatives sent a letter to the Finance Minister Darius Valcov to stress out the negative impact this law could have on the financial market without a proper study.

Andrea Schaechter, chief of the IMF mission to Romania, and Elisabetta Capannelli, World Bank’s Country Manager signed the letter.

“We encourage the authorities to get inspired from other countries’ experience,” reads the letter, reports local Mediafax.

Prime Minister Victor Ponta said that he hadn’t seen the letter, and the IMF representatives should talk about this with the Parliament, not the Government.


IMF worried about Romania's personal bankruptcy law

27 January 2015

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed its worry on the personal bankruptcy law which the Romanian Parliament also discussed.

IMF representatives sent a letter to the Finance Minister Darius Valcov to stress out the negative impact this law could have on the financial market without a proper study.

Andrea Schaechter, chief of the IMF mission to Romania, and Elisabetta Capannelli, World Bank’s Country Manager signed the letter.

“We encourage the authorities to get inspired from other countries’ experience,” reads the letter, reports local Mediafax.

Prime Minister Victor Ponta said that he hadn’t seen the letter, and the IMF representatives should talk about this with the Parliament, not the Government.




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