In the media today: Duster deliveries, expected interest rate cut, IKEA profit, Greece loan

Romanian media
Dacia Duster deliveries start today – in Ziarul Financiar
Romanian Central Bank cuts 0.25% off key interest rate, analysts say. Will bankers cut interest rates on loans? - in Ziarul Financiar
The most difficult round of negotiations with the IMF. Vladescu: State debt increases, but taxes stay the same – in Ziarul Financiar
SIF5 gives record EUR 22.5 million dividends - in Ziarul Financiar
IKEA store increases profit by 70%. in Three years it has made EUR 14 percent - in Ziarul Financiar
Romanians spent EUR 6 million in the May 1st spring break – on
Petrom to invest RON 6.9 billion in 2010, up 67% - on
Mihai Tanasescu (IMF): It is early to talk about recession in 2010. There are signs to revival – in Adevarul
International media
Eurozone agrees €110bn Greece loans - in the Financial Times
UAL and Continental to announce merger - in the Financial Times
Chinese banks forced to raise reserves again - in the Financial Times
Development banks attack planned EU fund rules - in the Financial Times
Warburg Pincus, Silver Lake to buy IDC: report - on Reuters
India's Future Group signs pact with Carrefour: report - on Reuters
Buffett Says Economy Shows 'Significant' Signs Of Life - in the Wall Street Journal
Norsk Hydro signs $4.9B deal with Brazil's Vale - in BusinessWeek
Bolivia takes over Swiss-owned antimony smelter - in BusinessWeek