In the news today: Govt says 'recession', banks make profits, rumor of flat tax up, new Dacia City

Romanian media
The Government is using the word 'recession' for the first time. Berceanu is asking Vladescu to bring more money to the budget, not only ask for cost cuts – in Ziarul Financiar
When the economy is suffering, banks make EUR 100 million profit in the first quarter – in Ziarul Financiar
The Finance Ministry and the IMF take into account recession in 2010 – in Ziarul Financiar
Gebruder Weiss is building logistics platforms in Sibiu and Arad – in Ziarul Financiar
C&A opens three other stores and looks at street retail – in Ziarul Financiar
The Government takes into account a flat tax increase from 16% to 25%, shows document revealed by Crin Antonescu – in Gandul
Competition Council knocks on the head Videanu's energy conglomerates – in Adevarul
Auto Bild: Dacia will launch a mini model for EUR 5,000 named City – in
Franks, IMF: Taxes won't increase in the next couple of months - in
Analysts: Vodafone could sell its South Eastern Europe subsidiaries, among which Romanian one – on
Why is the Romanian seaside two times more expensive than the Bulgarian or Greek one – on
International media
ECB extends financial lifeline to Greece - in the Financial Times
Basel regulators weigh cost of reform - in the Financial Times
Carmakers pump up production - in the Financial Times
World Cup expected to net $1bn in income - in the Financial Times
Apple shifts 1m iPads in first month - in the Financial Times
S&P launches new credit scores for 26,000 companies - on Reuters
Google expands venture group, wants more deals - on Reuters
Gold Trades Near Five-Month High on Europe, Currency Concerns - in BusinessWeek
Automakers' sales jump almost 20% in April from a year earlier - in LA Times
Goldman Faces Lawsuits - in the New York Times