In the news today: no trains on May 31st, public wages cut hits consumption and banks, GED buys

Romanian media
Bankers gave three times fewer agriculture loans than mortgage loans – in Ziarul Financiar
A Romanian has only EUR 150 in their private pension fund, 20 times lower than a Polish – in Ziarul Financiar
Restructuring in the public sector hit consumption; revival plans are turned upside down – in Ziarul Financiar
Happy Tour makes first step towards consolidation in tourism through online acquisition – in Ziarul Financiar
100% EU financing for small and medium enterprises – in Ziarul Financiar
VIG business down 12% in Q1, but profit is rising – in Ziarul Financiar
The lending euphoria gets its revenge. What are banks doing with the public clerks' EUR 5 billion loans? - in Gandul
Money is scarce for Bechtel. What are we doing with Transilvania highway? - in Adevarul
Adriean Videanu: We could reduce the state's participation in Cernavoda reactors 3 and 4 to 20% - on
Unions, determined to start general strike. No trains on May 31st? - on
Ursus Breweries took 4 percentage points from the competitors' market share last year – on
International media
Markets take fright at political moves - in the Financial Times
Stockbroker fined £2.8m for ramping shares - in the Financial Times
Vodafone in talks to sell Egypt mobile stake - in the Financial Times
Dubai World agrees debt deal - in the Financial Times
European bonds hit by investor jitters - in the Financial Times
Pakistan bans Facebook and YouTube - in the Financial Times
Asian stocks dive although euro edges up - on Reuters
Geithner to stop in Europe for talks on crisis - on Reuters
Chrysler IPO will "probably" be in 2011: CEO - on Reuters
BP says it is capturing 5000 barrels of oil a day from gulf spill - in the Washington Post
Toyota and Tesla Partnering to Make Electric Cars - in the Wall Street Journal
Stocks, Oil Drop on US, Europe Growth Concern; Euro Rallies - in BusinessWeek