In the news today: protest in Bucharest, euro slips to lows, new windmills in Dobrogea

Romanian media
Isarescu warns: if the state won't reduce spending, inflation will kick in – in Ziarul Financiar
The bankruptcy of a block of flats: three concrete floors for a EUR 33 mln debt – in Ziarul Financiar
Liliana Solomon, Vodafone: It is to early to talk about a market comeback – in Ziarul Financiar
EUR 110 million investment in two industrial parks in Cluj – in Ziarul Financiar
The European turmoil has led to EUR 32.4 billion in forex trading in Bucharest – in Ziarul Financiar
The wind mill offense in Dobrogea: RWE is preparing two wind mill parks of 350 MW – in Ziarul Financiar
Romanian Central Bank representative: The public budget employees will have an unpaid week off every month- in Gandul
The big protest day- the miners are coming to Bucharest to announce the general strike – in Adevarul
The state cuts from the revenues of future pensioners – in Evenimentul Zilei
Mugur Isarescu: In 1990 we had 880,000 state clerks and the state was running. Now we have 1.4 million and we ask ourselves where the problem is – on
International media
Euro slips again to fresh 4-year lows - in the Financial Times
Pfizer confirms 6,000 job cuts amid shake-up - in the Financial Times
Vodafone forced to write down Indian business - in the Financial Times
Europe adds to pressure on Google - in the Financial Times
Thai army breaks through protest barricades - on Reuters
Gold slips despite falling euro -on Reuters
Yahoo buys user-generated publisher - on Reuters
SEC proposes rules to prevent another 'flash crash' - in the Washington Post
US Stocks Fall As Fears On Europe's Recovery Prospects Continue - in the Wall Street Journal
Australia Consumer Confidence Falls Most in 19 Months - in BusinessWeek