In the news today: up with taxes, Immoeast back shopping, possible Govt. reshuffling

Romanian media
The ugly numbers of the final solution show up. Tragic resolution from the IMF negotiation – not only VAT increases, flat tax too. Will we come through? - in Ziarul Financiar
Bye bye economic revival, here's comes the tax increase kick. Who's fault is this? - in Ziarul Financiar
Consumption loans could see a comeback with lower interest rate. But will the bankers want it? - in Ziarul Financiar
Immoeast pays EUR 10 million for 75% of Euromall Galati - in Ziarul Financiar
Electrica is finally making an entry on the wind farm market. Romgaz and Hidroelectrica lagging behind - in Ziarul Financiar
Carabulea's Italian partners sell 7% of Carpatica for EUR 4.1 mln - in Ziarul Financiar
Sephora intends to bring the Gerovital brand in its stores - in Ziarul Financiar
PM expects Govt reshuffle decision from president – in Gandul
The government is taking the simple way – the tax increase – in Adevarul
Employers: A drop in the economy in 2010 could put the estimated 5.1 increase in 2011 at risk – on
Central Bank cuts interest rate to a record minimum – on
Apartment prices continue to drop. Most affected, new houses – on
Apple iPad mania grips Romania – in Business Review
International media
Europe’s debt crisis knocks markets - in the Financial Times
Paulson assures investors over Goldman fallout - in the Financial Times
Murdoch considers cash pile options - in the Financial Times
Indonesian minister appointed to World Bank - in the Financial Times
Global worries push copper below $7,000 - in the Financial Times
Greek woes hit Asian shares, euro down - on Reuters
China faces bubble deja vu - on Reuters
News Corp Raises Outlook For Annual Operating Income - in the Wall Street Journal
Gold under more pressure as dollar rises - on Reuters