In the news today: who revamps National Theater, threats of train traffic shutdown

RCS&RDS starts total war with UPC – in Ziarul Financiar
Sedesa and Euro Construct have won the year's bid in constructions – revamping the National Theater. What is the value of the contract – in Ziarul Financiar
Foreign investors: Take out the gray economy and come up with an administrative reform – in Ziarul Financiar
Banks comes up with mortgage promotions to sell the projects they have financed – in Ziarul Financiar
Lafarge downgrades business prognosis, after the winter brought a 42% drop – in Ziarul Financiar
We will not be ready to join the euro zone – in Adevarul
Andreas Treichl, Erste Bank – If something happened to us, it would be a real tragedy – on
Finance Ministry rejects all the bank offers for three-year state bonds – on
CFR threatens to shut down train traffic if salaries go down 25% - on
Darian – Prices of old apartments could reach EUR 500/sqm – on
International media
UK suffers hedge fund blow - in the Financial Times
Spanish unions call public sector strike - in the Financial Times
Europe enters era of belt-tightening - in the Financial Times
Israel to curb leading business families - in the Financial Times
Chávez seizes assets of Mexican food producer - in the Financial Times
New UK government gives itself five percent pay cut - on Reuters
Japanese Stocks Fall the Most This Week on Sony Forecast, Yen - in BusinessWeek
Rating Agencies Face Curbs - in the Wall Street Journal