Danone invests EUR 3 mln to produce bio dairy products at Bucharest factory
French dairy group Danone will start to make bio dairy products at its Bucharest factory, at the end of October, after investing EUR 3 million in a new production line, according to Natalia Gelshtein-Kiss, general manager of Danone in Romania, Bulgaria and the Adriatic countries.
“The bio market segment started to develop about three years ago and has reached about 5% of the local dairy market. We know that it’s important for Romanians to have local products and we decided that if we wanted to be present on the bio segment we need to make the products here,” the Danone official told Ziarul Financiar.
She added that she sees potential for the local market and that it’s a good moment for investments. The development of the FMCG segment in the last two years and the yogurt consumption in Romania, which is below the EU average, are her arguments for the market’s growth potential in the following years.
Danone produces over one million yogurts a day at its factory in Bucharest.
(Photo source: the company)