Value of new orders in industry up by 3.5% y/y in Romania in January

In January 2024, the value of new orders from the manufacturing industry, in total (domestic market and foreign market), increased in nominal terms by 7.8% m/m and by 3.5 % y/y, according to the data published by the statistics office (INS).
Factory gate prices contracted by 0.1% m/m and by 6.0% y/y in January, but the energy prices drove the decline while the prices of other industrial goods actually increased.
Except for the capital goods, the value of new orders decreased both nominally and even more in real terms in January.
New orders in the manufacturing industry increased in nominal terms in January 2024, compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, mainly due to the increases recorded in the capital goods industry (+10.7%). This was, however, driven by the 6.5% y/y increase in the prices for this category.
Decreases were registered in the industry of durable consumer goods (-17.9% y/y), the sector of non-durable consumer goods (-6.9% y/y), and the industry of intermediate goods (-3.6% y/y).
(Photo source: Silviu Matei/