Investigated company helps with public procurement irregularities in Romania

IT company Siveco Romania has supplied the National Council for Solving Complaints an IT platform to prevent irregularities in public procurement. However, Siveco is currently investigated by the Competition Council for the possible rigging of an IT auction in 2008, reports local
In July 2014, the National Integrity Agency (ANI) selected the consortium of Siveco, UTI Grup, SAP and Computer Sharing to provide an IT system that prevents conflicts of interest in public procurement. The contract amounted to EUR 6.9 million. The system called Prevent was completed in June this year.
The Competition Council is currently investigating a possible deal between Siveco Romania, Teamnet International, IBM Romania, and Intrarom for taking part with rigged bids at the auction organized by the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture for an IT contract of EUR 12 million (without VAT).