Investments deterred by uncertainty and regulations in Romania: EIB survey

The investment activity in Romania remains at one of the lowest levels seen in the EU (and fails to focus on new technologies and innovation), as only 68% of the companies have invested in the last financial year compared to 87% at European level according to a survey ran by the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group.
The most significant barriers are the uncertainty and the corporate and labor market regulations, according to the EIB Group annual survey, quoted by local Ziarul Financiar.
The survey shows that the investment deficit is above EU average - with the share of companies that have not invested enough in recent years at 20%, versus only 16% in the European Union on average. This confirms the low level of investment at macroeconomic level and the significantly lower asset quality.
The average share of machinery, equipment and equipment based on state-of-the-art technology in Romania is one of the lowest in the EU, with a low share of the energy-efficient real estate fleet. The survey shows that firms' investments remain focused on replacement (of assets) and tangible assets. Investments in intangible assets are well below the EU level (25% versus 36%).
A closer analysis of the innovation activity of Romanian companies shows that most innovative firms rely on adopting solutions rather than developing them.
AmCham: Investments, not a priority for the Romanian government