Romanian president joins cyclists’ march celebrating 1918 Union

26 June 2018

President Klaus Iohannis joined the cyclists leaving from Bucharest for Alba Iulia to mark the 100-year anniversary of the 1918 Union. He cycled with them for the first kilometers of the route.

Some 250 cyclists left today, June 26, from Bucharest, Timişoara and Drobeta Turnu Severin for Alba Iulia, the place where the union was proclaimed 100 years ago. The march, titled 'We Cycle for Romania', will last five days. The participants are expected to cycle on average 100 km per day.

President Iohannis called the initiative “excellent” and dedicated his attendance to the unity of Romanians.

“The Centennial is about us, the Romanians, about unity and today is the National Flag Day. I would like to say a few words about unity: we, here, are different people, with jobs and pursuits, but we found a shared interest: we like to ride the bike. It would be good to reach this unity, 100 years after the union. I dedicate my participation to this goal as well,” Iohannis said, quoted by Mediafax.

The event is organized by the association Far by Bicycle (Cu bicicleta departe), which regularly organizes the long-distance bicycle tours, many to the seaside.

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(Photo: Klaus Iohannis Facebook Page)


Romanian president joins cyclists’ march celebrating 1918 Union

26 June 2018

President Klaus Iohannis joined the cyclists leaving from Bucharest for Alba Iulia to mark the 100-year anniversary of the 1918 Union. He cycled with them for the first kilometers of the route.

Some 250 cyclists left today, June 26, from Bucharest, Timişoara and Drobeta Turnu Severin for Alba Iulia, the place where the union was proclaimed 100 years ago. The march, titled 'We Cycle for Romania', will last five days. The participants are expected to cycle on average 100 km per day.

President Iohannis called the initiative “excellent” and dedicated his attendance to the unity of Romanians.

“The Centennial is about us, the Romanians, about unity and today is the National Flag Day. I would like to say a few words about unity: we, here, are different people, with jobs and pursuits, but we found a shared interest: we like to ride the bike. It would be good to reach this unity, 100 years after the union. I dedicate my participation to this goal as well,” Iohannis said, quoted by Mediafax.

The event is organized by the association Far by Bicycle (Cu bicicleta departe), which regularly organizes the long-distance bicycle tours, many to the seaside.

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(Photo: Klaus Iohannis Facebook Page)




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