Romanian President Iohannis promulgates 2019 budget

Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis promulgated the 2019 State Budget Law on March 15 but continued blaming the Government for the negative impact the budget planning will have on the economy.
The president said in an intervention that he would have wanted to promulgate a good budget, but it was not the case.
"When we will not have hospitals and highways this year, but we will have price increases, economic imbalances, the truth will no longer be challenged. PSD will be the only one to blame," Iohannis said.
The budget planning for 2019 provides a deficit of 2.7% of the gross domestic product (GDP) estimated for this year. However, Romania’s Fiscal Council on March 11 issued an opinion on the 2019 budget planning, including an estimated 3.5%-of-GDP budget deficit this year, unless corrective measures are taken.