Romanian president floats two topics for May 26 referendum

Romania's president Klaus Iohannis on April 4 announced two topics that he passed to the Parliament as national interest and could make the subject of the public referendum envisaged by the president for May 26.
The first one regards the regime of the emergency ordinances (OUG): namely, the Government should be banned from issuing such OUGs in the sensitive area of “criminality” and, separately, the OUGs should be subject to appeal to the Constitutional Court (CC). Currently, only the Ombudsman can appeal an OUG to the CC.
The second topic proposed by the President regards banning amnesty and pardon for acts of corruption.
“Today, we submitted to the Parliament a letter on the two topics of national interest that will be subjected to popular consultation, in the referendum held on May 26, along with the European Parliament elections,” the Presidency announced.
“Zero tolerance for corruption by prohibiting amnesty and pardon is the most appropriate way to continue the fight against corruption,” Iohannis commented.
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