Survey: Four out of ten Romanians would vaccinate against coronavirus, half think state hid information during pandemic

19 May 2020

More than four out of ten Romanians (44%) are willing to vaccinate themselves against the coronavirus, once a homologated one would become available. In contrast, 33% would not get vaccinated, regardless of the circumstances, a survey by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES) revealed.

The survey was carried out among 1,027 respondents, older than 18, on May 13 and May 14.

The survey also showed that six out of ten Romanians are willing to get tested for coronavirus in exchange for an “immunity passport.” 

Meanwhile, almost half of the respondents believe the Sars-CoV2 virus is less dangerous than it is thought to be, while one out of five believe it is even more dangerous.

Half of those surveyed think the state hid important information during the coronavirus crisis, and the same percentage believe the state and the media had an understanding to censor, limit or distort coronavirus-related information. Only a third of those surveyed think the state is still a reliable partner, while half of them believe Romania will come out of the coronavirus crisis divided.

At the same time, eight out of ten Romanians say they would give up their rights and freedoms to stay safe if a situation similar to the Covid-19 crisis occurs.

More than half of those questioned have a safe future as the primary concern, while one in three expect their financial situation to degrade after May 15. Over half of the respondents think the country’s economic situation will worsen after the state of emergency ends.

The survey also showed that Romanians missed being close to their dear ones most during the state of emergency.

The survey was carried out through the computer-assisted telephone interviewing method and has a margin of error of 3.1%. It is available in full here.

(Photo: Denisismagilov/ Dreamstime)


Survey: Four out of ten Romanians would vaccinate against coronavirus, half think state hid information during pandemic

19 May 2020

More than four out of ten Romanians (44%) are willing to vaccinate themselves against the coronavirus, once a homologated one would become available. In contrast, 33% would not get vaccinated, regardless of the circumstances, a survey by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES) revealed.

The survey was carried out among 1,027 respondents, older than 18, on May 13 and May 14.

The survey also showed that six out of ten Romanians are willing to get tested for coronavirus in exchange for an “immunity passport.” 

Meanwhile, almost half of the respondents believe the Sars-CoV2 virus is less dangerous than it is thought to be, while one out of five believe it is even more dangerous.

Half of those surveyed think the state hid important information during the coronavirus crisis, and the same percentage believe the state and the media had an understanding to censor, limit or distort coronavirus-related information. Only a third of those surveyed think the state is still a reliable partner, while half of them believe Romania will come out of the coronavirus crisis divided.

At the same time, eight out of ten Romanians say they would give up their rights and freedoms to stay safe if a situation similar to the Covid-19 crisis occurs.

More than half of those questioned have a safe future as the primary concern, while one in three expect their financial situation to degrade after May 15. Over half of the respondents think the country’s economic situation will worsen after the state of emergency ends.

The survey also showed that Romanians missed being close to their dear ones most during the state of emergency.

The survey was carried out through the computer-assisted telephone interviewing method and has a margin of error of 3.1%. It is available in full here.

(Photo: Denisismagilov/ Dreamstime)


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