Romania’s IT&C services exports up 2.5 times in 2014-2018

01 March 2019

Romania’s exports of Information Technology and Communications (IT&C) services expanded more than 2.5 times over the past five years, from less than EUR 2 billion in 2013 to EUR 4.5 billion in 2018, according to Ziarul Financiar daily.

IT&C thus ranks as the second-largest service sector by exports, after transport, which recorded exports of EUR 6.5 billion in 2018. For comparison, Romania's agriculture exports were EUR 4 billion in 2018.

 IT&C saw “stellar” growth in recent years, generating 5.2% of GDP in 2017 with less than 200,000 employees. For comparison, agriculture, which employs 2 million people, generated only 4.3% of GDP in 2017, according to statistics. However, the benefits generated by the robust development of the IT&C sector should exceed the trade balance.

“Romania needs to benefit from high-tech not only through the contribution to the trade balance but also by using the technology as an engine to increase competitiveness and transforming the country into a regional innovation hub,” argued Gabriela Mechea, executive director of ANIS - Employers' Association of Software and Services Industry.

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Romania’s IT&C services exports up 2.5 times in 2014-2018

01 March 2019

Romania’s exports of Information Technology and Communications (IT&C) services expanded more than 2.5 times over the past five years, from less than EUR 2 billion in 2013 to EUR 4.5 billion in 2018, according to Ziarul Financiar daily.

IT&C thus ranks as the second-largest service sector by exports, after transport, which recorded exports of EUR 6.5 billion in 2018. For comparison, Romania's agriculture exports were EUR 4 billion in 2018.

 IT&C saw “stellar” growth in recent years, generating 5.2% of GDP in 2017 with less than 200,000 employees. For comparison, agriculture, which employs 2 million people, generated only 4.3% of GDP in 2017, according to statistics. However, the benefits generated by the robust development of the IT&C sector should exceed the trade balance.

“Romania needs to benefit from high-tech not only through the contribution to the trade balance but also by using the technology as an engine to increase competitiveness and transforming the country into a regional innovation hub,” argued Gabriela Mechea, executive director of ANIS - Employers' Association of Software and Services Industry.

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