Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution comes to Romania

The Food Revolution Movement initiated by Jamie Oliver, where artistry is combined with a passion for healthy food, comes to Romania with the “Little Chefs” event that will take place in Bucharest on August 18, at 10:30 the Frufru restaurant (Batistei Street, nr. 1), according to a press release for MEDIAFAX.
The workshop is for children aged from 3 to 5 years, who will take part in activities and learn to prepare recipes inspired by English celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, such as buffalo yogurt with berries and honey straight from the hive. Entry is free, but the maximum number of families is limited, so participation by previous appointment only.
The Romania Food Revolution team, which aims to promote healthy eating via Jamie Oliver's scheme, is coordinated by Daniela Mişcov, founder of the interactive theater workshop and Artelier D.
Famous chef Jamie Oliver, the protagonist of many TV cooking shows, started the "Food Revolution" campaign to fight obesity in American schools, after the success in the UK of the "Ministry of Food", the national campaign to encourage people to stop eating fast food and return to healthy home cooked diets.
Following the Frufu "Little chefs" day, the next event will take place at Bastilia bookshop (Piata Romana, no. 5) on September 15 and will present an adventure based on the book "The close your eyes seed story " by Dumitru Radu Popa.
Ioana Toader, ioana.toader@romania-insider.com