Greek retailer Jumbo opens fewer stores in RO this year but prepares robust comeback
Greek toy and decoration retailer Jumbo is preparing to launch operations at the new hypermarket in Craiova, the only project that was still pursued during this year after troubles caused by pandemic restrictions and supply chain disruptions, reported.
However, the Greek group says that it has not given up investments and wants to expand in Iași and Sibiu after already buying land for new stores.
The hypermarket in Craiova, initially scheduled for launch in 2020 but postponed for this year due to the pandemic, will be inaugurated by the end of the year, the company already starting staff recruitment.
Jumbo Romania's investments in land for new stores and warehouses reached EUR 15.7 mln in the first half of the year, compared to acquisitions of EUR 3.5 mln in 2020.
(Photo: Lenutaidi/Dreamstime)