Juranda’s homemade Romanian food: Peach-yoghurt cake

Yoghurt always reminds me of my childhood in Romania. Most of the milk products sold in stores today do not taste like they used to. Go to the farmer markets in Bucharest and search the small farmers, not the professional ones. They still bring their own milk and milk products besides the vegetables and fruits. The Romanian countryside yoghurt must be very creamy. This recipe is star for every birthday party, especially children like the fresh combination of fruits and yoghurt.
2 free range eggs
100g+150g+75g sugar
3 packets of vanilla sugar
100 g flour
½ tsp baking powder
2 peach cans of 850 ml each
200g Savoyard biscuits
14 gelatin sheets
500 g homemade yoghurt
Orange and lemon zest
600 g whipped cream
2 packets of jelly
How to prepare
(1) First prepare a spring form pan by lining it with parchment paper.
(2) Whisk the egg whites until they are soft peak stage; add 100 g sugar, 1 Vanilla sugar, and salt. Add the egg yolk, flour, and baking powder (and the lemon or orange zest if you want to add a bit of citrus flavor). Put the mix in a 26cm round pan and bake it 20 min. until golden brown. Let it cool down.
(3) Drain the peaches; put the juice aside along with 5 half peaches. Slice 1/3 of the peaches, dice 2/3 of the peaches.
(4) Cut one side of the Savoyard biscuits and place them close to one another, all around the cake, sugared side on the outside. The biscuits must overpass the edge of the spring form pan.
(5) Put the peaches slices on the bottom of the cake.
(6) Melt the gelatin into cold water for about 5 min. Mix together yoghurt, 150g sugar, 2 packets vanilla sugar, orange and lemon zest. Drain the gelatin, put in on a low heat along with 2-3 tbsp of yoghurt and let it melt. Whip the whipping cream. Add the gelatin into the yoghurt and the whipping cream. Mix them together.
(7) Spread 1/3 of the yoghurt mixture over the base. Mix half of the remaining yoghurt with the diced peaches. Spread it over the first layer. Smash over this layer the remains of the Savoyard biscuits. Spread the remaining yoghurt cream and put the cake in the fridge for about 3-4 hours.
(8) Puree 4 half peaches. Add the peaches juice till ½ l. Mix together 2 packets of jelly along with 75 g sugar. Cook at slow heat. Once melted, spread it quickly over the top of the cake. Put the cake one more hour in the fridge. Decorate with peach slices, whipped cream, mint or chocolate flakes.
Cook and share with the love ones! Pofta Buna!
By Juranda Kirschner, Guest writer
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Photo credits: Terra Carpatica