Kaufland plans to open at least six units in Romania by year-end

German retailer Kaufland, the leader on the local retail market, plans to invest about EUR 100 million in opening at least six stores this year, reports local Economica.net.
The company also intends to complete the refurbishing of older stores.
In the previous two years, the retailer had about six openings per year, said Valer Hancas, Corporate Affairs and Communications manager at Kaufland Romania. “The investment budget is EUR 100 million, like in the previous years, but we’d be happy to exceed this amount".
Kaufland plans to complete refurbishing its older units by mid-year. The retailer currently operates 114 stores. The last opening took place in Brasov, at the beginning of this month. At the end of February, the company opened a new store in Lugoj, Timis county.
Kaufland had over EUR 2 billion in sales in 2015.