Kruk: Romanian debt collection market to stagnate this year, growth expected in 2012

The debt collection market in Romania will remain at about the same level recorded in 2010, of EUR 1.5 billion (RON 6.5 billion), but a growth is expected in 2012, according to Isabela Iacob, Managing Director with Kruk International.
The average value of a debt managed in Kruk International's portfolio is about EUR 1,100 (RON 5,000), and most portfolios in the market were sold by banks, over 90 percent, she added. “The telecommunications companies have also sold, but considering that the average value of an invoice is much smaller, the volume of sold portfolio also had a smaller value”, said Iacob.
Kruk International was established in 2007 by the Kruk Group in Poland.
Irina Popescu,
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