Local restaurant chain La Mama opens new unit at Bucharest museum

Romanian traditional restaurant chain La Mama, controlled by local entrepreneur Cătălin Mahu, expanded with a new unit located in the cultural complex Romanian Peasant’s Museum (MTR - Muzeul Taranului Roman), located in downtown Bucharest close to the Government building, Agerpres reported.
The investment in the new restaurant, the seventh under the La Mama brand, was EUR 150,000. La Mama won the public auction for the location in May.
It replaces the former tenant of the location, Local Real, which submitted the offer alongside Fabrica Extrem & Events, and Stefani Residential Complex.
None of the bidders, except for La Mama, met the museums’ conditions.
"When I took over the space from the Romanian Peasant Museum, I thought about arranging it with some architects, adapting it to the specificity of this place. The investment reached EUR 150,000 and we are happy with the outcome,” says Mahu.
La Mama will pay some EUR 40,000 per year for the 335 sqm space leased from MTR. The restaurant chain, launched over 20 years ago, posted EUR 4.4 million revenues in 2018.
(Photo: La Mama Facebook Page)