01 November 2010

Canadian oil and gas company Sterling Resources has ended the agreement with Melrose Resources BV for Sterling's Pelican and Midia blocks, offshore Romania, the company has announced. "The inability to obtain assignment approval has impeded progress on the Ana and Doina discoveries, as well as further exploration and appraisal activities on the blocks," according to the company.

01 November 2010

With its EU accession in 2007, Romania has gained access to much needed financing alternatives in agriculture; the main sources of funding are the direct payments and those through the National Program for Rural Development. The proper use of the financing for the farming sector could trigger a more competitive Romanian agriculture, the increase in the number of jobs in rural areas, as well as the sustainable development of rural areas. Romania-Insider.com looks at the main features of the EU funds for agriculture, an area which could become one of the country's competitive advantages if properly taken care of, as well as at several foreign investments in Romanian agriculture.

01 November 2010

BRD-Groupe Societe Generale posted a profit of EUR 113 million in the first nine months of the year, down 28 percent on the level registered at the end of September last year, according to the bank. Its banking revenues were of EUR 634 million, up 5 percent.

01 November 2010

Canadian oil and gas company Sterling Resources has ended the agreement with Melrose Resources BV for Sterling's Pelican and Midia blocks, offshore Romania, the company has announced. "The inability to obtain assignment approval has impeded progress on the Ana and Doina discoveries, as well as further exploration and appraisal activities on the blocks," according to the company.

01 November 2010

With its EU accession in 2007, Romania has gained access to much needed financing alternatives in agriculture; the main sources of funding are the direct payments and those through the National Program for Rural Development. The proper use of the financing for the farming sector could trigger a more competitive Romanian agriculture, the increase in the number of jobs in rural areas, as well as the sustainable development of rural areas. Romania-Insider.com looks at the main features of the EU funds for agriculture, an area which could become one of the country's competitive advantages if properly taken care of, as well as at several foreign investments in Romanian agriculture.

01 November 2010

BRD-Groupe Societe Generale posted a profit of EUR 113 million in the first nine months of the year, down 28 percent on the level registered at the end of September last year, according to the bank. Its banking revenues were of EUR 634 million, up 5 percent.



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