Fitness network Stay Fit Gym has opened its 50th center this month, and aims to reach 100 fitness centers by the end of...
World Class said that its largest health & fitness club in the north of Bucharest, and the 47th in the local network...
În slujba țării (In the Service of The Country), an autobiographical book authored by former Liberal (PNL) leader and...
UNbreakable Romania, one of the largest cybersecurity education programs for high school and university students...
Elif Memet, a young woman from Constanta, southern Romania, has been appointed co-chair of the Harvard European...
Development minister Cseke Attila announced on January 28 the launch of a map showing localities in Romania exposed to...
Romanian officials recently announced new measures to cut public expenses, with decreased budgets for the Presidential...
FOMO - The Festival of Modern Owners, the first festival dedicated to entrepreneurs in Romania and the region, will take...
MINA, the Museum of Immersive New Art in Bucharest, will host the first immersive exhibition dedicated to Leonardo da...
Romanian citizens are among the Europeans most dissatisfied with their lives, even compared to those in Eastern Europe...
World Class said that its largest health & fitness club in the north of Bucharest, and the 47th in the local network...
În slujba țării (In the Service of The Country), an autobiographical book authored by former Liberal (PNL) leader and...
UNbreakable Romania, one of the largest cybersecurity education programs for high school and university students...
Elif Memet, a young woman from Constanta, southern Romania, has been appointed co-chair of the Harvard European...
Development minister Cseke Attila announced on January 28 the launch of a map showing localities in Romania exposed to...
Romanian officials recently announced new measures to cut public expenses, with decreased budgets for the Presidential...
FOMO - The Festival of Modern Owners, the first festival dedicated to entrepreneurs in Romania and the region, will take...
MINA, the Museum of Immersive New Art in Bucharest, will host the first immersive exhibition dedicated to Leonardo da...
Romanian citizens are among the Europeans most dissatisfied with their lives, even compared to those in Eastern Europe...