Doron Steinbrecher, a 31-year-old woman with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship, was among the three hostages released on...
RAD Art Fair, an event aiming to offer “a shared space for the understanding of the diversity and range of the...
Unlike other countries in the region, Romania hesitates to ban the tariff-free imports of grains and other food products...
Romania's president Klaus Iohannis is paying a visit to Brazil, Argentina and Chile from April 18 to April 26.
Just before Easter, on Good Friday, Romania's president Klaus Iohannis made firm statements against fiscal austerity...
Since the beginning of 2023, Romanian households purchased Government debt listed (Fidelis) or not listed (Tezaur) on...
The European Commission (EC) has opened a detailed investigation to assess whether certain support measures taken by...
Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis returned to lawmakers the “solidarity contribution” law on grounds that it included...
The current account (CA) deficit of Romania narrowed by 15% YoY to EUR 1.67 bln in February, the National Bank of...
The use of primary energy resources in Romania, in the first two months of the year, decreased to 5.16 mln tonnes of oil...
RAD Art Fair, an event aiming to offer “a shared space for the understanding of the diversity and range of the...
Unlike other countries in the region, Romania hesitates to ban the tariff-free imports of grains and other food products...
Romania's president Klaus Iohannis is paying a visit to Brazil, Argentina and Chile from April 18 to April 26.
Just before Easter, on Good Friday, Romania's president Klaus Iohannis made firm statements against fiscal austerity...
Since the beginning of 2023, Romanian households purchased Government debt listed (Fidelis) or not listed (Tezaur) on...
The European Commission (EC) has opened a detailed investigation to assess whether certain support measures taken by...
Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis returned to lawmakers the “solidarity contribution” law on grounds that it included...
The current account (CA) deficit of Romania narrowed by 15% YoY to EUR 1.67 bln in February, the National Bank of...
The use of primary energy resources in Romania, in the first two months of the year, decreased to 5.16 mln tonnes of oil...