Tabloid campaigns to improve busy Bucharest business neighborhood

26 March 2018

The local tabloid Libertatea, together with its publisher, Ringier Romania, have launched a campaign aimed at improving the living conditions in the busy Pipera neighborhood, in northern Bucharest.

Titled #salvatipipera (#savepipera), the campaign highlights the precarious infrastructure in Pipera Sud, where over 65,000 people work. It also aims to draw the attention of the local authorities responsible with improving the situation.

Companies cumulating a turnover amounting to 2% of Romania’s GDP are headquartered in Pipera Sud, the initiators of the campaign explain. In stark contrast with its economic performance, the neighborhood, which spreads on 170 hectares, has an improper pedestrian infrastructure and an antiquated road infrastructure. The public transport available does not meet the needs of the area, the landscaping elements are missing, and the neighborhood’s development of the past decades did not incorporate the advice of architects.

The campaigners say they would like to know how the taxes they pay reflect in the public infrastructure investments.

“Because Pipera Sud is shepherded by the Bucharest City Hall, the District 2 City Hall, and the Voluntari City Hall, we are entitled to find out how much money went into public works and services in the past 20 years. […] And why we are loosing hundreds of hours of our lives every year in the jams in Pipera,” the #salvatipipera declaration reads.

As part of the campaign, the newspaper will publish daily, in its online and print editions, news, interviews and features illustrating the current conditions in Pipera Sud and how they impact the lives of those working there. Debates with relevant guests will stream live everyday on Libertatea’s Facebook page. The campaign’s promotional video uses a song especially created for it by Romanian rapper AdLitteram. The public can join discussions on the topic at the dedicated Facebook group.

The Pipera neighborhood, where many of the capital’s expats also live, has developed on the site of the old village of the same name. It is bordered by the Bucharest belt highway, the Tunari commune, the town of Voluntari, and the neighborhoods of Băneasa and Aviației. Some of its best known arteries are the Pipera – Tunari Road and the Iancu Nicolae Street.

Only this year several new projects have been announced in the area. Among them are the Metropolitan Hospital, located close to Pipera Road, and a large residential project next to Pipera Lake, developed by Hagag Development Europe. At the same time, Globalworth has finalized the acquisition of two new land plots in the Barbu Vacarescu-Pipera area, where it will start two new office buildings.

Expats complain about lack of infrastructure in Bucharest’s Pipera area


Tabloid campaigns to improve busy Bucharest business neighborhood

26 March 2018

The local tabloid Libertatea, together with its publisher, Ringier Romania, have launched a campaign aimed at improving the living conditions in the busy Pipera neighborhood, in northern Bucharest.

Titled #salvatipipera (#savepipera), the campaign highlights the precarious infrastructure in Pipera Sud, where over 65,000 people work. It also aims to draw the attention of the local authorities responsible with improving the situation.

Companies cumulating a turnover amounting to 2% of Romania’s GDP are headquartered in Pipera Sud, the initiators of the campaign explain. In stark contrast with its economic performance, the neighborhood, which spreads on 170 hectares, has an improper pedestrian infrastructure and an antiquated road infrastructure. The public transport available does not meet the needs of the area, the landscaping elements are missing, and the neighborhood’s development of the past decades did not incorporate the advice of architects.

The campaigners say they would like to know how the taxes they pay reflect in the public infrastructure investments.

“Because Pipera Sud is shepherded by the Bucharest City Hall, the District 2 City Hall, and the Voluntari City Hall, we are entitled to find out how much money went into public works and services in the past 20 years. […] And why we are loosing hundreds of hours of our lives every year in the jams in Pipera,” the #salvatipipera declaration reads.

As part of the campaign, the newspaper will publish daily, in its online and print editions, news, interviews and features illustrating the current conditions in Pipera Sud and how they impact the lives of those working there. Debates with relevant guests will stream live everyday on Libertatea’s Facebook page. The campaign’s promotional video uses a song especially created for it by Romanian rapper AdLitteram. The public can join discussions on the topic at the dedicated Facebook group.

The Pipera neighborhood, where many of the capital’s expats also live, has developed on the site of the old village of the same name. It is bordered by the Bucharest belt highway, the Tunari commune, the town of Voluntari, and the neighborhoods of Băneasa and Aviației. Some of its best known arteries are the Pipera – Tunari Road and the Iancu Nicolae Street.

Only this year several new projects have been announced in the area. Among them are the Metropolitan Hospital, located close to Pipera Road, and a large residential project next to Pipera Lake, developed by Hagag Development Europe. At the same time, Globalworth has finalized the acquisition of two new land plots in the Barbu Vacarescu-Pipera area, where it will start two new office buildings.

Expats complain about lack of infrastructure in Bucharest’s Pipera area




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