Green warehouse: Romanian online book retailer Libris invests in PV panels and becomes energy independent

With an area of 5,000 sqm and a storage capacity of over 1 million books, Libris owns in Brasov the largest book warehouse in Romania dedicated to an online bookstore. The company said it transformed the facility into a "green warehouse" by implementing 835 photovoltaic (PV) panels.
Spread over the entire roof area of the Libris warehouse, i.e. 4,000 sqm, the photovoltaic panels cover more than 95% of the annual consumption needs, with an estimated annual energy production of 330,000 kWh.
"From the beginning, in the construction stage of the warehouse, we designed the roof structure to support a photovoltaic panel system. The sustainable construction of the warehouse was a very important goal for us, and we are talking about energy efficient equipment, thermal insulation, bicycle parking, green space and much more," said Laura Țeposu, CEO of
Other sustainable development initiatives taken by Libris are: changing packaging, giving up the use of adhesive tape, and implementing parcel delivery to lockers and collection points.
Libris' partner in the implementation of the photovoltaic system was Promelek, a supplier with more than 25 years of experience in the field of electrical installations and equipment and pioneers in the implementation of smart technology in Romania.
The total investment made by Libris in the photovoltaic system amounted to EUR 300,000, and the project was implemented this summer.
"Given the high volatility of the conventional energy market, where trading costs are increasing rapidly, photovoltaic panels offer us stability and predictability. We have chosen to fully support the investment from our own resources and we estimate that it will be amortized in maximum 5 years, given the energy independence we have gained," said Laura Țeposu.
The photovoltaic panels installed are mono-crystalline, which ensures high efficiency in the case of solar radiation, have a measured power of 328 kw, 21% efficiency being oriented to the South, with an inclination of 13 degrees.
(Photo source: Libris)