The Museum of Memories of Communism (MAdC), which aims to tell the story of everyday life in the country from the period...
Astra Film Festival (AFF), a major event in Romania dedicated to documentary films, announced on Thursday, March 24...
Wild Romania, Dan Dinu and Cosmin Dumitrache’s documentary exploring the country’s nature and wildlife, is screened at...
The American Independent Film Festival (AIFF), the event that showcases films made outside the Hollywood system, will...
The world changed dramatically and tragically in the past weeks. Donations and help are very much needed, and film
Sibiu International Theater Festival (FITS) has decided to replace the fireworks with drone light shows at its opening...
Mihai Sofronea’s Căutătorul de vânt/ Windseeker has received the FIPRESCI award at this year’s Sofia International Film...
The Ministry of Development announced on Wednesday, March 16, that it would finance with over RON 96 million (some EUR...
The consolidation and refurbishment works on the Braunstein Palace in Iaşi, in northeastern Romania, ended after a...
The Museum of Memories of Communism (MAdC), which aims to tell the story of everyday life in the country from the period...
Astra Film Festival (AFF), a major event in Romania dedicated to documentary films, announced on Thursday, March 24...
Wild Romania, Dan Dinu and Cosmin Dumitrache’s documentary exploring the country’s nature and wildlife, is screened at...
The American Independent Film Festival (AIFF), the event that showcases films made outside the Hollywood system, will...
The world changed dramatically and tragically in the past weeks. Donations and help are very much needed, and film
Sibiu International Theater Festival (FITS) has decided to replace the fireworks with drone light shows at its opening...
Mihai Sofronea’s Căutătorul de vânt/ Windseeker has received the FIPRESCI award at this year’s Sofia International Film...
The Ministry of Development announced on Wednesday, March 16, that it would finance with over RON 96 million (some EUR...
The consolidation and refurbishment works on the Braunstein Palace in Iaşi, in northeastern Romania, ended after a...