“Language Buddy,” a project launched in the city of Brașov, aims to support young migrants and refugees in learning the...
In the heart of modern urban living, in the northern part of Bucharest, surrounded by Padurea Baneasa, on Padina Street
Black Friday is just days away, bringing major discounts from Vegis.ro, Complice.ro, Niavis, and Workspace Studio
If you’re a retiree from the United States or Canada looking for a place to spend your golden years, it’s time to turn
Your trusted gateway to seamless relocation in Romania
Founded in 2023, Door to Romania is more than just a
Janna Damigeana is a household name in the vibrant Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca by now. She left the United States and...
We all know that AI is no longer on the horizon – it's here. Now, it's time to get practical! On 15 February 2025, at
A new index developed by the Institute for Visionary Cities reveals that Brașov is considered the most attractive city...
București Mall-Vitan, Romania’s first modern shopping center, celebrates 25 years, marking a quarter of a century of
Amid a growing number of Americans looking to settle abroad, Forbes.com has published a list of five affordable European...
In the heart of modern urban living, in the northern part of Bucharest, surrounded by Padurea Baneasa, on Padina Street
Black Friday is just days away, bringing major discounts from Vegis.ro, Complice.ro, Niavis, and Workspace Studio
If you’re a retiree from the United States or Canada looking for a place to spend your golden years, it’s time to turn
Your trusted gateway to seamless relocation in Romania
Founded in 2023, Door to Romania is more than just a
Janna Damigeana is a household name in the vibrant Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca by now. She left the United States and...
We all know that AI is no longer on the horizon – it's here. Now, it's time to get practical! On 15 February 2025, at
A new index developed by the Institute for Visionary Cities reveals that Brașov is considered the most attractive city...
București Mall-Vitan, Romania’s first modern shopping center, celebrates 25 years, marking a quarter of a century of
Amid a growing number of Americans looking to settle abroad, Forbes.com has published a list of five affordable European...