A unique and multicolored world, RiseUP - Bucharest on the Sky is an event that brings the concept of a hot air balloon...
This weekend, September 23-25, the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant is hosting VIN(o) la MȚR, the only outdoor...
The Travel, a top website for travel tips and guides, has recently published an article dedicated to Romania, in which...
The project Musicians' Houses - Timiș will be launched on Saturday, October 1, on International Music Day, with a...
European Mobility Week, September 16 to 22, is an annual initiative of the European Commission dedicated to finding...
The fourth edition of the ornithological marathon organized by the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) and the Prof...
This year’s edition of UNFINISHED, the first multidisciplinary festival in Romania, will take place in a revitalized...
“Bucharest Days,” the event marking the 563rd anniversary of the Romanian capital, will take place this weekend...
Bucharest mayor Nicuşor Dan recently announced that he attributed a contract for the planning of five additional bike...
A unique and multicolored world, RiseUP - Bucharest on the Sky is an event that brings the concept of a hot air balloon...
This weekend, September 23-25, the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant is hosting VIN(o) la MȚR, the only outdoor...
The Travel, a top website for travel tips and guides, has recently published an article dedicated to Romania, in which...
The project Musicians' Houses - Timiș will be launched on Saturday, October 1, on International Music Day, with a...
European Mobility Week, September 16 to 22, is an annual initiative of the European Commission dedicated to finding...
The fourth edition of the ornithological marathon organized by the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) and the Prof...
This year’s edition of UNFINISHED, the first multidisciplinary festival in Romania, will take place in a revitalized...
“Bucharest Days,” the event marking the 563rd anniversary of the Romanian capital, will take place this weekend...
Bucharest mayor Nicuşor Dan recently announced that he attributed a contract for the planning of five additional bike...