Romanian investor elected president of the European Property Federation

18 September 2018

Liviu Tudor, one of the biggest real estate investors in Romania, was elected president of the European Property Federation (EPF) an organization that represents real estate investors and advises EU institutions in their real estate policy-making.

Liviu Tudor is the CEO of Genesis Property, a company that owns two business parks in Bucharest, Novo Park and West Gate, with some 150,000 sqm of office space. He is also president of the Romanian Association of Building Owners (RABO).

“I have two connected priorities: Romania is the only country in South East Europe with organized real estate. I want to help our neighbors take the same path so that their governments understand the role of property investors in creating an urban environment that attracts cutting edge European investment. And I shall support EPF in its work of securing EU regulation that fosters a dynamic property sector geared to the challenges of a mutating economy, climate warming and an aging population,” Liviu Tudor said.

(photo source: EPF)


Romanian investor elected president of the European Property Federation

18 September 2018

Liviu Tudor, one of the biggest real estate investors in Romania, was elected president of the European Property Federation (EPF) an organization that represents real estate investors and advises EU institutions in their real estate policy-making.

Liviu Tudor is the CEO of Genesis Property, a company that owns two business parks in Bucharest, Novo Park and West Gate, with some 150,000 sqm of office space. He is also president of the Romanian Association of Building Owners (RABO).

“I have two connected priorities: Romania is the only country in South East Europe with organized real estate. I want to help our neighbors take the same path so that their governments understand the role of property investors in creating an urban environment that attracts cutting edge European investment. And I shall support EPF in its work of securing EU regulation that fosters a dynamic property sector geared to the challenges of a mutating economy, climate warming and an aging population,” Liviu Tudor said.

(photo source: EPF)




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