Romanian MPs complain about low temperatures at the Parliament

27 February 2018

The National Liberal Party – PNL held its Executive Committee meeting on Monday at 14-16 degrees Celsius as the temperatures inside the Parliament’s Palace dropped due to the cold weather outside.

The liberal MPs kept their winter coats on and some gathered around an air heater. PNL leader Ludovic Orban commented ironically that the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) had always been particularly careful with PNL, local Mediafax reported.

When asked about this situation, PSD leader Liviu Dragnea, who is also the president of the Deputies Chamber, said that the low temperatures within the Parliament’s building were due to the bad windows.

“It’s cold everywhere inside the Parliament because of the windows. Near every window in this building there’s an incredible stream of air and when it’s very cold and windy outside, like now, it’s almost impossible to stay inside,” Dragnea said.

He added that the Parliament didn’t have the necessary funds to start replacing the windows.

Romania’s Parliament carries out its activity in the largest administrative building in the world, built for Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.


Romanian MPs complain about low temperatures at the Parliament

27 February 2018

The National Liberal Party – PNL held its Executive Committee meeting on Monday at 14-16 degrees Celsius as the temperatures inside the Parliament’s Palace dropped due to the cold weather outside.

The liberal MPs kept their winter coats on and some gathered around an air heater. PNL leader Ludovic Orban commented ironically that the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) had always been particularly careful with PNL, local Mediafax reported.

When asked about this situation, PSD leader Liviu Dragnea, who is also the president of the Deputies Chamber, said that the low temperatures within the Parliament’s building were due to the bad windows.

“It’s cold everywhere inside the Parliament because of the windows. Near every window in this building there’s an incredible stream of air and when it’s very cold and windy outside, like now, it’s almost impossible to stay inside,” Dragnea said.

He added that the Parliament didn’t have the necessary funds to start replacing the windows.

Romania’s Parliament carries out its activity in the largest administrative building in the world, built for Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.




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